Rocks State Park Engagement Session | Julie & Jeff


I first met Julie and Jeff last November as the weather started getting colder for their engagement session at the Rock State Park in Maryland. It was probably the most beautiful drive I’ve ever had while on my way to a session. And the best part was actually getting to meet these two.


We first started out shooting in the Kilgore Falls area and ended as dusk was setting at the King and Queens Seat. I love doing a couples session when there is hiking involved. It really shows you how a couple works together- holding hands, steadying one another, walking one in front of the other, checking footsteps… When you hike with a partner, you have to always think about how you can work as a team, much like when you are in a relationship.

Julie and Jeff worked well together. And it shows! You can also see that Jeff loves Julie and will do anything to make her happy. Even hiking for their engagement session.

And this week, I’m excited to meet back up with them as we celebrate them and their marriage. It’s been almost a year, and the wait between a couples engagement session and their wedding always feels like it takes forever to finally happen. But it’s time!

Julie and Jeff are getting married at the Holly Hills Country Club in IJamsville, MD this weekend! Wish them well as their next chapter starts.


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